National Level Training to Members of Dalits and Adivashis on National Helpline Against Atrocities;
On 13th December, 2021 at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has launched its National Help Line (NHL) "14566" against atrocities on SC&ST communities and a web portal http:/nhapoa.gov.in. This is a great initiative by the MSJE. If properly and widely used by the SC&ST communities, our survivors of caste atrocities would receive speedy justice as the complaints are being escalated to key officials for redressal with accountability.
The Atrocity Tracking and Monitoring (ATM) System inititated by National Dalit Movement for Justice- NCDHR, has became a successful modal for MSJE for the immediate redressal of atrocity cases perpetrated against the SC & ST community members. It was a long-awaited and tireless effort from NCDHR to mobilize the MSJE to work towards a government initiated National HelpLine. We also made presentations on Atrocity Tracking System (ATM) within MSJE office and at the later stage the NCDHR Team meticulously followed up with Shri R. Subramanyam IAS Secretary to the MSJE and made it happen in real. This is possible only by the collective efforts of us all as we worked together in monitoring and tracking the caste violence cases through our Atrocity Tracking and Monitoring (ATM) System ‘www.annihilatecaste.in’.
As a responsible citizen, it is our duty to take it further to the community and make this Help Line widely used for registering our grievances and complaints against the perpetrators committing atrocities/ violence based on castes. This would only be possible as we understand the use of NHL and the purpose behind it. Therefore, in order to understand the use and the purpose of NHL, NCDHR is organizing a Cloud based two-hour orientation program on Zoom at 11.00hrs to 13.00 hrs IST on 20 December, 2021. This orientation on helpline would be conducted by offcers from SJE and NIC. Please do join and make 20 CLOs, CSOs, Activists and Academics to join along with you so that National HelpLine (NHL) "14566" against atrocities on SC&ST communities and a web portal http:/nhapoa.gov.in is popularized and further strengthened.